Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gautama Buddha


"Buddha" and "Gautama" redirect here. For other uses, see Buddha (disambiguation) and Gautama (disambiguation).Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama,[note 1] Shakyamuni,[note 2]or simply the Buddha, was a sage[1] on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.[2] A native of the ancient Shakya republic in the Himalayan foothills,[3][note 3] Gautama Buddha taught primarily in northeastern India.
Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (Pali sammāsambuddha, Sanskritsamyaksaṃbuddha) of our age. [note 4]
Gautama taught a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticismfound in the Sramana (renunciation) movement [10] common in his region. He later taught throughout regions of eastern India such as Magadha and Kośala.[11][12]
Gautama is the primary figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, andmonastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collections of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition, and first committed to writing about 400 years later.

haggala flower garden

tours map

sri lanka railway map

Sri Vikrama Rajasinha of Kandy

 Sri Vikrama Rajasinha (1780 - January 30th 1832, born Kannasamy Nayaka) was the last of four Kings, to rule the last Sinhalese monarchy of theKingdom of Kandy in Sri Lanka. The Nayak Kings were Telugu Buddhists[1] that spoke Tamil.[2][3][4] The King was eventually deposed by the Britishunder the terms of the Kandyan Convention, in 1815, ending over 2300 years of Sinhalese monarchy on the island. The island was incorporated into the British Empire, and Sri Vikrama Rajasinha was succeeded by George III, as monarch of British Ceylon.


sri lanka beautiful places

Mapanana Ella

Mapanana Falls" found at the foot of the "Sri Pada"( Adam's Peak ) range are one of the tallest and the most beautifully formed falls meandering its way down from a height about 150 meteres. Carrying cooly and crystal clear waters from the springs where they are born in the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary this fall is difficult to get near to due to many reasons,the hazard of sudden gushes of water during especially, rainy seasons,being one of them.During my visit there in '95 I also was prevented from wading upstream for the same reason by the villagers.The photo here appeared on The Lankadeepa,95-8-20 Sunday, by Kamilus Wanigasuriya.